The Presence of God among His People: From the Creation to the New Creation


  • Martus Adinugraha Maleachi Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT
  • Hendra Yohanes Program Studi Magister Teologi Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT



Creation, Presence of God, People of God, New Creation, Sanctuary, Temple


In biblical studies and biblical theology, a central question still discussed until today is the following: what theme or motif can unify the biblical storyline from OT to NT? This article proposes the motif of the presence of God, who indwells among His people, as the answer. God, who desires to be near to His people, reveals His presence in holy places across biblical accounts. By using word studies, intertextual studies in the canonical bible, and extrabiblical studies, this article demonstrates that God's revealing of His presence focused in holy places that He established in this world, began from the Garden of Eden in the first creation and extended through the Tabernacle, the Temple, the Church, to the creation of the new heaven and earth. The purpose of this article is to present a biblical overview of the presence of God among His people and its implications for the Christian life.


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How to Cite

Maleachi, Martus Adinugraha, and Hendra Yohanes. “The Presence of God Among His People: From the Creation to the New Creation”. Veritas: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan 19, no. 1 (May 16, 2020): 11–24. Accessed January 22, 2025.


