Critical Race Theory: Example of an Alien Concept of Social Justice According to the Bible




justice, critical theory, racism, systemic racism, social binary, intersectionality, the Bible


Not all social justice teachings are social justice according to the teaching of the Bible. The case in point is the teaching of critical theory on racism (Critical Race Theory or CRT). This teaching that nowadays has a strong influence over universities in the United States promotes widely concepts such as systemic racism, social binary, and intersectionality, which has actual­ly caused a social rift marked by never-ending racial pre­judice. From the biblical point of view, the critical theory view of racism contains social consequences that harm society at large. It has taught a social mindset that runs counter to the biblical teach­ings on social justice. After discussing the historical back­ground of CRT and the basic tenets of CRT, I will then provide an evaluation of CRT from the biblical perspective by observing its starting point, its view of the root cause of racism, and the primary solution that it offers.


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How to Cite

Budiman, Kalvin S. “Critical Race Theory: Example of an Alien Concept of Social Justice According to the Bible”. Veritas: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan 21, no. 1 (July 11, 2022): 15–36. Accessed January 22, 2025.


