Redemptive-Historical Approach: A Christocentric Evangelical Hermeneutical Approach


  • Fitri Yuliana Master of Theology Study Program, Southeast Asia Bible Seminary



Redemptive-Historical Approach, Epistemology, Modernist Christology, Post-modernist Christology, Christocentric Evangelical Hermeneutics


On the one hand, the emphasis of modernism on rationality and historicity has produced a critical-objective Christology. On the other hand, post-modernism with a pluralist epistemology produces subjective Christology. Responding to, and bridging the two sides of this problem, the redemptive-historical hermeneutical approach is proposed as an alternative evangelical approach. The Christ-centered approach as the culmination of the history of redemption (as witnessed to in the Bible) links three horizons, namely: textual, epochal, and canonical to interpret the text of the Scriptures holistically. This approach analyzes syntax, literary context, historical context and its genre (textual horizon), links it to the history of redemption (epochal horizon), and sees it in the light of the canon (canonical horizon). The combination of these three elements emphasizes the dynamic fulfillment of God’s promises. Thus, the historical redemptive hermeneutical approach can lead Christians to read and interpret the Bible as Christocentric.

Keywords: Redemptive-Historical Approach, Epistemology, Modernist Christology, Post-modernist Christology, Christ-centered Evangelical Hermeneutics


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Author Biography

Fitri Yuliana, Master of Theology Study Program, Southeast Asia Bible Seminary

The author is a postgraduate student in the Master of Theology Study Program at the Southeast Asia Bible Seminary, Malang, Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Yuliana, Fitri. “Redemptive-Historical Approach: A Christocentric Evangelical Hermeneutical Approach”. Veritas: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan 17, no. 2 (December 1, 2018): 147–161. Accessed March 10, 2025.


