Friendship: Contribution of the Morality of Christian Tradition to the Morality of the Indonesian


  • Hendrawan Wijoyo Gereja Pemberita Injil



Alasdair MacIntyre, Alister McGrath, Aristotle, Ethics, Friendship, Public Theology, Thomas Aquinas


Christians in Indonesia are often depicted as free riders who don’t contribute much to Indonesian’s independence and life as nation. This is a false claim. However, Christianity does need to offer a greater contribution, especially in the area of moral thought of Indonesia which is dominated by Islamic theology and secular ideas. Using the framework of Alasdair MacIntyre and Alister McGrath, this article constructs a theological and philosophical basis for Christianity’s contribution for the nation’s morality discussions. In the later part of this article, a Christian conception of friendship will be offered as an example of a Christian contribution.


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Author Biography

Hendrawan Wijoyo, Gereja Pemberita Injil

Penulis memperoleh gelar S.Th. dari Seminari Alkitab Asia Tenggara pada 2016 dan kini sedang melayani sebagai hamba Tuhan di Gereja Pemberita Injil dan berencana memperdalam studinya dalam bidang teologi biblika dan etika Kristen.


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How to Cite

Wijoyo, Hendrawan. “Friendship: Contribution of the Morality of Christian Tradition to the Morality of the Indonesian”. Veritas: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan 16, no. 2 (December 1, 2017): 169–182. Accessed March 10, 2025.


