The Understanding of the Synod Leaders of the Church of Christ the Lord Regarding Reformed Ecclesiology as the Basis for the Church's Digital Service Policy


  • Handoko Gereja Kristus Tuhan Jemaat Hosanna, Surabaya, Indonesia



Pandemic, Reformed Ecclesiology, Online, Digital, Church Policy


The COVID-19 pandemic has made a difference to the world. Changes that have forced the Synod of Christ the Lord Church (GKT) to engage in digital ministry. For the GKT Synod, digital ministry is a new and unfamiliar ministry model. As a church that adheres to Reformed theology, the GKT Synod needs to respond to this digital ministry within the understanding of Reformed ecclesiology. Therefore, the research in this article aims to find out the GKT Synod leaders’ understanding of Reformed ecclesiology as the basis for the church’s digital ministry policy. To achieve this goal, the research method used is basic qualitative research. In this study, twelve leaders of the GKT Synod were interviewed. They consist of synod officials and pastors who serve in the GKT from various locations. This research resulted in four findings related to digital ministry policies from the understanding of Reformed ecclesiology. The digital ministry policies from the understanding of Reformed ecclesiology are related to Sunday worship activities, fellowship, the implementation of the sacrament of Holy Communion, and evangelistic mission policies.


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How to Cite

Handoko. “The Understanding of the Synod Leaders of the Church of Christ the Lord Regarding Reformed Ecclesiology As the Basis for the Church’s Digital Service Policy”. Veritas: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan 23, no. 1 (June 1, 2024): 97–110. Accessed January 16, 2025.


