“It is infidel for those who worship the Three Gods”: Dismissing Allegations Regarding the Problem of the Trinity Doctrine
Theological Problems, Logical Problems, Revelation, Mystery, Reason, Categorical Difference, Theological DialecticsAbstract
The Trinity is a fundamental doctrine in the Christian faith. Though the word “trinity” never appears in the Bible, its truth is displayed throughout the entire writing of Scripture. However, it does not mean that all people accept this truth. In the Indonesian context, whose major population is Muslim, the idea of one God but three, and three but one, is very polytheistic. Muslims highly regard the concept of monotheism. Standing on this monotheistic truth, to them, the idea of the Trinity is not just simply weird but must also be vigorously rejected. Observing the above two facts, the author sees the need for an apologetic defense against those accusations. This article exerts to describe allegations concerning the theological and logical problems of the Trinity as well as provide an adequate apologetic defense. This article aims to present an objective apologetic defense in the belief that the doctrine of Trinity is monotheistic (theological defense), and even though far surpassing the limited human reasoning, Trinity is not irrational (logical defense).
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