Seeing Suffering through the Perspective of the Already and the Not Yet from Paul the Apostle


  • Alexander Darmawan Limasaputra Gereja Beritakan Injil Jemaat Bogor



Suffering, Paul, Eschatology, The Already and the Not Yet, New Creation, God’s Rule, Satan’s Rule, Power of Sin, Curse on Creation


Suffering is something that is experienced by everyone. Suffering has made people cry out to God, question God or even leave God. Does suffering prove that God does not exist? Doesn’t God’s existence nullify suffering? Does suffering prove that God is impotent and no longer has power over the world? This article will address these questions through the framework of the already and the not yet schema developed by the apostle Paul. The author explains that suffering is a part of the call of believers because it is experienced between the time of the already and the not yet. A period when Jesus Christ has won over the power of sin, the curse of the universe and the government of Satan and is the time of God’s government in the world, even though all this has not yet reached fullness. Therefore, believers need not fear suffering nor leave the Christian faith because of it.


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Author Biography

Alexander Darmawan Limasaputra, Gereja Beritakan Injil Jemaat Bogor

The author completed his Master of Divinity study at Southeast Asia Bible Seminary and is currently continuing his Master of Theology degree at Great Commission Theological School. Currently, the author is a minister at Gereja Beritakan Injil Jemaat Bogor.


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How to Cite

Limasaputra, Alexander Darmawan. “Seeing Suffering through the Perspective of the Already and the Not Yet from Paul the Apostle”. Veritas: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan 17, no. 1 (July 10, 2018): 43–60. Accessed January 22, 2025.


