Accommodating Generation Z’s Need for Unconditional Acceptance Based on Client-Centered Therapy Theory and Jesus’ Ministry




Generation Z, Unconditional Positive Regard, Mental Health, Client-Centered Therapy, Integration of Psychology-Theology, Ministry of Jesus


The assumption by some evangelical Protestants that psychology is a threat to God's people is not evident in Generation Z Christians. They are very open to psychological concepts for their mental health. One of them is the need for unconditional positive regard (UPR). The difference between the two assumptions motivated the literature research on Generation Z’s need for UPR based on the theory of Client-Centered Therapy (CCT) and the ministry of Jesus. In this article, the author examines the two concepts to find common ground so that Generation Z spiritual coaches are equipped with biblically aligned psychological concepts in ministering to Generation Z. The results show that the needs of Generation Z are worth accommodating because they can improve mental health and be used as a means of translating the gospel to them. The accommodation process in line with God's Word can be done with the psychology-theology integration approach of “plundering from Egypt,” which produces guidelines on how to accommodate these needs, especially according to the principles of Jesus’ ministry. Thus, spiritual mentors serve Generation Z with a holistic approach that provides a sense of security for them to continue to grow and actualize. It is hoped that this literature review will be the beginning of further research to develop holistic ministry for Generation Z, especially in the context of the Protestant evangelical community.


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How to Cite

Winarsih, Winarsih. “Accommodating Generation Z’s Need for Unconditional Acceptance Based on Client-Centered Therapy Theory and Jesus’ Ministry”. Veritas: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan 23, no. 1 (June 1, 2024): 1–16. Accessed January 20, 2025.


