Study of Martin Luther’s View on Synergy between the Church, School, and Home in Faith Education for Children Postpandemic
church, home, school, faith education, synergy, reformation, family, postpandemicAbstract
Faith education for children is essential. Churches, Christian schools, and homes or families have made many efforts to provide faith education to children. However, many things changed during the pandemic, including how each of these institutions carried out faith education for children. In this article, the author would like to examine Martin Luther’s views on the synergy of the church, school, and family in carrying out faith education. During his lifetime, Luther also experienced a pandemic often known as the Black Death that spread in Europe in the 14th to 17th centuries. Luther saw that the condition of faith education for children was far from ideal. The state of churches, schools, and families was decrepit and seen from the low quality of the congregation’s faith. In the end, Luther gave many of his views through sermons, letters, and other writings. In terms of method, this research uses a literature study that will describe and examine Luther’s views regarding the roles of the church, school, and home, as well as the synergy that should be carried out. Afterward, the author will apply the study results in the post-pandemic period and provide constructive suggestions for what these three institutions can do to educate children’s faith. So, it can be concluded that the synergy between churches, schools, and homes to build children’s faith is very important. Children get a holistic faith education if these three educational institutions work together in their roles.
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