Arminius, Arminian, and the Evangelicals: A Clarification


  • Marlon Lahope Program Studi Magister Teologi Sekolah Tinggi Teologi SAAT



Arminian(ism), Calvinis(m), Total Depravity, Salvation by Grace, Sovereignty of God, Evangelical


This paper will provide clarification of the false accusations that most Calvinists often make to the Arminians and then discuss the main reasons Arminians reject the teachings of Calvinism. This clarification will focus on two accusations that are often favorite cards, namely Arminianism rejects the concept of total depravity and teaches that humans as a determinant factor of their salvation. The answer to these accusations is simple, these two accusations are the result of a false reading or defective representation of Arminian theology. After that, the author will discuss the main reason why the Arminians reject the teachings of Calvinism, namely the concept of God's sovereignty in Calvinism brings logic to the inevitable consequences that God is the source of all sins. On the other hand, this paper is not intended to widen the gap in the body of the evangelical. Conversely, evangelicals must see the differences as diversity in the body of Christ rather than making it a trigger for division. In the midst of differences, the gospel must be a top priority and not minor debates which ultimately only hinder the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


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How to Cite

Lahope, Marlon. “Arminius, Arminian, and the Evangelicals: A Clarification”. Veritas: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan 18, no. 1 (October 2, 2019): 13–29. Accessed January 22, 2025.


