Eucharistic Ecclesiology: A Reorientation of Evangelical Ecclesiology in the Light of Alexander Schmemann’s Thoughts




Evangelicalism, Liturgy, Eucharist, Ecclesiology, Alexander Schmemann


Evangelicals are known for their unique ecclesiology. Evangelicalism believes that the true church is a spiritual fellowship of saved believers. This perspective in fact leads to the consequence that the invisible church is upheld and the visible church becomes soteriologically irrelevant. As a result, the visible church only ends up as a commodity marketed to attract converts. If evangelicals are faithful to the gospel, then the concept of the church must be taken seriously, not just perceived functionally. For this reason, I propose the construction of a eucharistic ecclesiology through the framework of Alexander Schmemann’s thoughts on the liturgy, the Eucharist, and the church in providing an alternative to seeing ecclesiology from liturgical studies. I shall integrate Schmemann’s thinking with the idea that a “worshipping community essentially formed the church.” My claim is: that a eucharistic ecclesiology rooted in the practice of the eucharistic liturgy can be a solid ecclesiological basis for evangelicals, especially in affirming the ontology of the church. I hope that the construction of eucharistic ecclesiology can contribute to revitalizing evangelical ecclesiology.


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How to Cite

Augustan, Hansel. “Eucharistic Ecclesiology: A Reorientation of Evangelical Ecclesiology in the Light of Alexander Schmemann’s Thoughts”. Veritas: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan 22, no. 2 (December 6, 2023): 335–351. Accessed March 10, 2025.


