Totus Christus, Kenosis, and Eucharist: A New Ecclesiological Imagination


  • Angga Avila Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Driyarkara, Jakarta, Indonesia



Ecclesiology, Totus Christus, Hans Urs von Balthasar , Mysterium Triduum, Sacramental, Postpandemic Church


Covid-19 pandemic changes the way the world sees reality. Much research has shown that the pandemic also affects the way people see the life of the church, especially as it has driven many people out of the church. This paper offers a sacramental ecclesiology based on totus Christus as the onto­logical basis for a “proflective” church—a suggestive por­trayal previously offered by Joas Adiprasetya, which encourages the church to learn and unlearn by becoming vulnerable. If the church is the body of Christ, what is the fate of those who left the church? Is it possible for the body of Christ to be broken down and separated? Seeing the church as Christ’s body that participates in the historical Eucharist through Hans Urs von Balthasar’s reflection on Mysterium Triduum, this paper thus offers an ecclesiological imagination of the church as proflec­tive and Eucharistic to account for those who have left the church and to challenge the postpandemic church to think and live in a truly Christlike (and trinitarian) way.


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How to Cite

Avila, Angga. “Totus Christus, Kenosis, and Eucharist: A New Ecclesiological Imagination”. Veritas: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan 21, no. 2 (December 31, 2022): 195–209. Accessed February 5, 2025.



Special Themes: (Re)Imagining the Church in a Postpandemic Era