Triperspectivalism Presuppositional Apologetics from John M. Frame and its Application to Pluralist Christian Thought on Religious Pluralism in Indonesia


  • Andry Setiawan GKY Jemaat Bumi Serpong Damai



Triperspectivalism, John M. Frame, Religious Pluralism, Presuppositional Apologetics


Pluralism exhibits a new awareness that assumes that all beliefs have general similarity when compared one with another. As a result, there is no religion that can claim that it has the claim to ultimate truth when compared with a host of other options. Indonesia, as a pluralistic nation, exhibits the challenges of religious pluralism. Because of that reality, there are frameworks of Christian thought that have arisen that emphasize the similarity of several religions which erodes and ultimately eliminates the uniqueness of Christianity. However, Jesus Christ and his work of salvation is absolutely true and the other religions are false. This article will introduce an apologetic model that can be used to defend the uniqueness of the Christian faith among the challenges of religious pluralistic thought in Indonesia. John M. Frame’s triperspectivalism presuppositional apologetics is proferred and developed through constructive apologetics (normative), defensive apologetics (existential), and offensive apologetics (situational).


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Author Biography

Andry Setiawan, GKY Jemaat Bumi Serpong Damai

Rohaniwan yang telah menyelesaikan program Sarjana Teologi (2006) dan Magister Teologi di STT-SAAT (2017). Pada saat ini sedang melayani di Gereja Kristus Yesus (GKY) Jemaat Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD), Serpong, Tang-Sel.


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How to Cite

Setiawan, Andry. “Triperspectivalism Presuppositional Apologetics from John M. Frame and Its Application to Pluralist Christian Thought on Religious Pluralism in Indonesia”. Veritas: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan 17, no. 1 (July 10, 2018): 61–80. Accessed December 26, 2024.


