The Sermon that “Anointed” by the Holy Spirit


  • Amos Winarto Oei STT Aletheia



Sermon, Faith, Holy Spirit, Annointing


On the one hand, every preacher who desires to experience the power of the Holy Spirit in the sermon will struggle to see “the anointing” of the Spirit. On the other, there are preachers who even afraid of experiencing that power in their sermon. What is a Spirit-anointed sermon? Why also are there preachers who are even afraid of that anointing power? And how does a preacher nurture his/her faith in the Holy Spirit to empower a sermon? This article attempts to answer those question.


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Author Biography

Amos Winarto Oei, STT Aletheia

Penulis adalah dosen di STT Aletheia dalam bidang Etika, Dogmatika & Historika


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How to Cite

Oei, Amos Winarto. “The Sermon That ‘Anointed’ by the Holy Spirit”. Veritas: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan 16, no. 2 (December 1, 2017): 145–154. Accessed January 22, 2025.


