The Spiritual Journey of Homo Viator: A Comparative Study of Serat Jatimurti with the Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11–32)
Parable of the Prodigal Son, Indigenous Beliefs, Spiritual Journey Metaphor, Cognitive Linguistics, Serat JatimurtiAbstract
The concept of spiritual journey is known in various religions. Likewise, the concept of Homo Viator, or humans who made the trip. This paper examines the concept of a spiritual journey in Serat Jatimurti, one of the Kejawen texts, and compares it with the narrative in the Bible, namely the parable of the prodigal son. This study aims to understand the voice of the local spirituality to facilitate the delivery of the gospel to this community. By using cognitive linguistic analysis, the results show some similarities and differences in the Christian view of the spiritual journey and the role of humans in it compared to the Kejawen view. The similarities that exist will increase understanding and appreciation of each spiritual work and become a common ground that provides an effective “bridge” for sharing the gospel. The differences that exist can be an attraction to show the uniqueness of the gospel. With this understanding, this study can provide provisions for Christians in communicating the good news of God’s grace in Christ Jesus to the followers of Kejawen spirituality.
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